Men's Ministry Leader:

Vince Mora

About Men's Ministry:

The Man Code:

I am a man of Valor and Purpose.
I pledge allegiance to my God, His Kingdom, and to the church of Jesus Christ.
I will live by faith, walk in love, and be led by the Holy Spirit.
I will remain faithful to my wife, love her, and forsake all others, real or imagined.
I will do right by my children, teaching them, training them, and showing them a father's love.
I am second; my God, family, and church come first; I am a servant to them, and they come first.
I will fight the good fight!
I will follow hard after Jesus!
I will stand courageous on the truth of God's word.
I am my brother's keeper; I will not leave my brother in the Lord alone on the battlefield of life.
And when my days are full and my time has come, I will have left a legacy of faith for my children to continue on my journey.

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